the sibliminator is a unique utility which adds functionality to Digidesign Pro Tools.
it harnesses the 'field recorder' functionality in Pro Tools and makes it apply to any group of broadcast WAV files you choose.
practically, this means you can right click on any piece of audio and instantly swap it with another take or channel. this can apply to vocal or instrument tracks with multiple takes, ADR recordings, multi-channel and mutli recorder field recordings or any group of files you choose.
the workflow is pretty simple.
1. Figure out which type of 'Family' name you'll use - random or file name based.
2. drag and drop your files onto the sibliminator icon - they will be processed immediately.
3. import the files into a Pro Tools session or close/reopen an existing session.
4. now select any region or part of a region and cmd-click (or right click) - you'll see a list of 'alternate channels' which have audio available in that time range. choosing one of these alternates will swap just the selected area with the corresponding audio from the other channel or take.